Half Step Precision Metal Spinnning Top
This past week we have been busy adding more inventory to our store. As you may have noticed, we have added a variety of the Half Step's to the store.
Click here to see our full collection of half step tops and get yours today!
So let me tell you some more about our half step metal spinning top. By far the half step is our most compact spinning top to date, coming in at just over 1" in height and .875" across. In it's stainless steel form, it weighs in at 28g, while the phosphor bronze is slightly heavier at 31g. The smaller size and lighter weigh make it an ideal top for the everyday carry enthusiasts; for some it may even be fifth pocket worthy.
The hafl step features an Si3N4 ceremic bearing in it's spin surface. It spins reliably for 5-6 minutes, however during performance testing I was able to achieve a 9 minute spin time. I would love to hear if you can beat my time.